Core Strength & Flexibility

The purpose of this exercise is define who you are in the world at your core, and then envision several versions of who you could become in the future.  

You can use what you write about your core self as something concrete to draw strength from when faced with challenging issues or transitions in life that challenge your identity. Identifying different future version of yourself can help when you feel stuck in at work, or in some aspect of your personal life.  Many of us are great at persevering and sticking to our plans.  While we only get one life to live, most of us have multiple things we'd like to do or be.  

Step 1:  Build core strength  

Write a brief statement of who you are in the world. Define who you are independent of any credentials, organization, or outside agency (e.g, M.D., PhD, doctor, teacher, etc). Tap into the essential qualities of who you are, what you value and what motivates you at your core.  Use what you have learned about yourself as inspiration in step 2.

Step 2:  Increase your flexibility

Now imagine that there are parallel worlds in which you can live multiple lives.  Think about how you defined your core self, and sketch out 3 future versions of you: 

   1)  Your current life trajectory  

   2)  An alternate life trajectory - what would you do if #1 suddenly wasn't possible?

   3)  Another alternate life trajectory - what would you do if you didn't need to work for a living AND you didn't worry that others would laugh at you?

As you do this exercise, it may be helpful to set a time frame.  1 year?  3 years?  5 years?   It can be scary to confront the alternatives, or to admit that our current trajectory is not the one we'd really like to be on.   We may not want to do this exercise, because... what does it mean?  Do I have to take action?

Just try it!  It can be liberating, and you may be surprised to feel less stressed.  Working fast can help push you through. Set a timer. Spend 10 minutes on defining your core self, and 10 minutes on each of the 3 paths. Draw pictures, or sketch diagrams, if you like. Think about how each life trajectory makes you feel, and how they resonate with your core.   Resist the urge to think of barriers or problem solve.  

Share with a friend or two!  Ask each other clarifying questions.  You may post if you'd like to share on the website, or we may have a future meeting centered on this exercise as a springboard for our discussion.